Targeting Microbiota Abstract Submission

Submit your abstracts to be featured in the Targeting Microbiota 2025 Book of abstracts allocated with a DOI, guaranteeing your work a permanent and easily accessible online presence.

Deadline for Short Oral Presentation Abstract Submission:
September 30, 2025

Deadline for Poster Presentation Abstract Submission:
October 6, 2025

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submit abstracts to the Scientific Committee.
  2. Use the online form for submissions. Abstracts not using this form will not be considered.
  3. One abstract per registered person.
  4. For oral submissions: prioritize in-person presentations. Online presentations require prior approval.
  5. Online poster submissions are accepted.
  6. No changes after the submission deadline.
  7. Abstracts cannot be modified post-acceptance.

Abstract Format:

  1. Title: Max 20 words.
  2. Text: Max 200 words, divided into Introduction, Materials & Methods, Conclusion.
  3. Define unusual abbreviations on first use.
  4. Relate to conference tracks or sessions, and specify the topic.
  5. Include references (max 3).
  6. Submit in both Word and PDF formats, prepared in B5 format.

Download abstract format guidelines here in Word or in PDF.

Abstracts not following the formalities will not be considered.

Microbiota Boutons Abstract

Reviewing and Selection Process

Published Abstracts

 Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstracts book.

Short Oral Presentations

A1 Poster size

 Posters Session