ISM Best Short Oral 2024 (2): Impact of Radio-Chemotherapy on Intestinal Dysbiosis in Cervical Cancer Patients

Best Oral 2 2024  All Winners 2024 

Congratulations to Ksenia Klimov-Kravtchenko and her team from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, for winning the Best Short Oral Presentation Award at the Targeting Microbiota 2024 Conference.

Award Winning Presentation: "Radio-Chemotherapy Treatment Exacerbates Intestinal Dysbiosis in Cervical Cancer Patients from Western Mexico: Pioneering Study Characterizing Microbiota and NK Cell Exhaustion".

Dr. Klimov-Kravtchenko stated  "This study explores the impact of intestinal microbiota on the exhaustion of natural killer cells in cervical cancer patients undergoing radio-chemotherapy. Key findings include an exacerbation of intestinal dysbiosis following treatment, characterized by an increase in bacteria with a pro-inflammatory metabolic profile linked to NK cell exhaustion. The research indicates that interventions targeting intestinal microbiota may represent a promising strategy to enhance anti-tumor responses in cervical cancer."