During the 4th Congress on Targeting Microbiota, Dr. Muriel Thomas from INRA Jouy, France will be presenting the topic of "Lung microbes and their effect on asthma".

The following main questions will be anserwed during the congress :
- What is the Influence of germ free status on lung physiology in mice?
- Can we isolate viable and functional bacteria in the lung at steady state or during asthma ?
- Do the Lung bacterial strains display specific immunoregulatory properties ?
- Do the lung strains modulate a pathology like asthma in mice neonates ?
The research highlights:
- • The absence of microbes affects lung physiology and immunity
- • Lung primocolonization is a highly susceptible period for asthma
- • Lung bacterial strains display ex vivo and in vivo immunoregulatory properties
- • The equilibrium between protective and exacerbating strains modulate asthma feature
If you are interested to know more about Dr Thomas' researches, do not hesitate to join the participants by registering here: www.microbiota-site.com
Marvin Edeas Chairmen of ISM