First Conjoint Meeting of RIKEN and International Society of Microbiota (ISM)
We are pleased to announce the First Conjoint Meeting between ISM and RIKEN, which will take place from October 8-9 in Tokyo, Japan.
This conference aims to establish a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas and innovations between East and West.
Japan has been a pioneer in microbiota research, with its leadership rooted in a rich cultural and scientific heritage. For over a century, Japan has excelled in the study of fermentation processes, probiotics, and their profound impacts on human health and well-being. Traditional practices, such as the production of fermented foods like miso, natto, and sake, have served as the foundation for modern microbiota research, offering unique insights into the role of beneficial microbes in maintaining health and longevity. Japanese researchers have consistently been at the forefront of discovering and applying microbial strains to enhance gut health, develop innovative therapies, and address global health challenges.
The meeting will feature a two-day agenda:
• Day 1 will focus on the latest advancements in microbiota research and its implications for various diseases, including cancer, metabolic, inflammatory, and neurological disorders.
• Day 2 will emphasize clinical trials and exploring how specific strains can be utilized to prevent and treat diseases.
• A dedicated session will explore the relationship between microbiota and longevity, focusing on the question: Can we modulate aging through microbiota?
In addition to expert presentations, we will welcome innovative companies from across the world to share their groundbreaking contributions to the field.
A poster session will also be available to highlight recent research findings.
We believe that this collaboration will be successful.
On behalf of the Meeting Organizers
Prof. Hiroshi Ohno,
RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan
President of Tokyo Targeting Microbiota 2025
Prof. Marvin Edeas,
Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France
Chairman of the ISM Scientific Board