Gut microbiota: novel & strategic players in coeliac disease pathogenesis

verdu2During Targeting Microbiota World Congress, Pr Elena Verdu from McMaster University, Canada will present the novel & strategic players in coeliac disease pathogenesis.

According to Pr Verdu: "Disruption to the microbiota in early-life has been implicated in celiac disease pathogenesis. Early antibiotic use has been associated with the emergence of celiac disease. Some studies indicate that delivery mode is also influential in the development of this disease, although not all studies support this link. Infants at high risk of developing celiac disease exhibit dysbiosis, where the Bacteroidetes:Firmicutes ratio is decreased, B. fragilis and Staphylococcus spp. are increased, and less B. longum and Bifidobacterium spp. are present. The studies indicate a potential association but there is currently no evidence or described mechanisms for alterations in the microbiota to modulate celiac disease risk."

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