ISM Congress 2024
- Introduction Note
- Concluding Remarks
- Congress Agenda
- Workshop Agenda
- Speakers
- Who Attended
- Scientific Committee
Microbiota 2018
- Concluding Remarks
- Agenda 2018
- Speakers
- Who attended
- Exhibitors & Sponsors 2018
- Congress Pictures
- Order the Abstracts Book
Microbiota 2017
- Concluding Remarks
- Speakers
- Exhibitors & Sponsors 2017
- Congress Pictures
- Order the Abstracts Book
- Agenda 2017
- About ISM
- ISM Press Releases
- ISM Newsletters
- Press & Media
- Award Winners
- Replay & Abstracts
- ISM Membership
- ISM Previous Conferences
- Job Offer
- Registration Offlline for Microbiota 2016
- members connect
- News
- Call for Applications: Short-Term Scientific Mission
- 12th ISM Annual Meeting – Targeting Microbiota
- Diago will be present at Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Who Attended Targeting Microbiota 2024?
- Targeting Microbiota 2024 Speakers
- Key Dates 2025
- Targeting Microbiota 2024 Sessions
- Targeting Microbiota 2024 - Malta Venue and Travel Information
- Targeting Microbiota 2023 Highlights
- Targeting Microbiota 2023 Replay & Abstracts Book are Available
- Phage-Microbiome Consortium: Interplay and Modulation in Human Health and Disease
- About the ISM Phage-Microbiome Consortium
- Abstract & Project Submissions
- Who Attended Targeting Microbiota 2023?
- ISM Speakers 2023
- Replay Targeting Microbiota 2022
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 Videos on Demand
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 Welcome Note
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 - List of Accepted Posters
- ISM Institutional Supporters 2022
- Industrials & Academics who attended Targeting Microbiota 2023
- ISM Supports
- Phage Therapy & Microbiota: Future Directions - Targeting Microbiota 2022
- New Session on Microbiota in Mineral Water & Hot Springs: Unexplored Science
- Speakers of ISM 2022
- Speakers of ISM 2022
- Introduction of Targeting Microbiota 2022
- Happy Holidays from International Society of Microbiota
- Presentation Recording Guidelines
- Who Attended ISM 2021
- More About the 8th ISM Meeting
- Workshop on Gut Microbiota
- Targeting Microbiota 2021 Speakers & Presenters of the Live Interactive Online Congress
- Welcome to Targeting Microbiota 2021
- Exhibitors of Targeting Microbiota 2017
- Exhibitors of Targeting Microbiota 2018
- International Society of Microbiota thanks all attendees for their participation to Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Targeting Microbiota 2019 Plenary Speakers
- Who attended Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Targeting Microbiota 2019 Speakers
- Call for Scientific Abstracts & Innovations
- Concluding remarks of 6th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
- How to get to Porto
- Who attended Targeting Microbiota 2018 congress
- Abstracts Book of the First ISM symposium on Food & Microbiota 2018 is available to order
- Among the Targeting Microbiota 2018 speakers
- Introduction remarks by Pr Peter C. Konturek, new President of ISM
- First Symposium on Food & Microbiota - June 14, Paris
- Aqua & Microbiota 2018
- Microbiota Conferences & Meetings 2018
- Microbiota & Food 2018: Towards a New Era in Agro-Food Industry
- Registration for ISM symposiums on Microbiota & Food - June 14
- The International Society of Microbiota is partner of the body sites microbiota congress
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 - Agenda
- Targeting Microbiota 2019 - Preliminary Agenda
- Targeting Microbiota 2021 - Agenda
- Welcome to Targeting Microbiota 2018
- Welcome to Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Targeting Microbiota 2017 Abstracts Book now available to order
- Join the ISM B to B meeting and present your extraordinary innovations
- The 2nd edition of skin microbiota symposium concluded with success
- The 2nd edition of skin microbiota symposium concluded with success
- Registration for Targeting Microbiota 2017
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 Registration
- Steigenberger Hotel Berlin will host Targeting Microbiota World Congress
- About Berlin
- Conference Tracks and Topics
- Concluding remarks of the 4th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
- Targeting Microbiota Dinner will be organized on October 18 in the Sofitel Paris Le Faubourg
- Final Agenda of Targeting Microbiota 2016
- Short Oral
- CME Credits & Certificate Delivery
- Among Targeting Microbiota 2016 VIP Speakers
- Targeting Microbiota 2016 - Preliminary Agenda
- How to submit your abstract?
- The abstracts book of Microbiota World Congress is available now
- The deadline for abstract submission is over
- ISM thanks all contributors of Targeting Microbiota 2015
- Subscription to ISM offers you many advantages
- hotel
- All information about registration will coming soon...
- Welcome to the 4th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
- ISM Scientific Board
- ISM Scientific Board
- First Moroccan Natural & Organic Ingredients Innovation Show
- The Scientific Committee recruits speakers to present their knowledge and expertise …
- Medicinal Plants & Ethno-Medicine First Symposium
- blocs
- CME & Certificate Delivery
- Antioxidants 2013 & First Moroccan Exhbition will offer you a lot of Opportunities
- Deadlines for...
- Looking for Position Job&PostDoc
- Congress News
- Microbiota Medicine – Major Advances and Clinical Translation
- Targeting Microbioat 2025 Venue
- Dr. Carmelo Scarpignato Wins ISM Best Scientific Contribution 2024 for Research on Drug Effects and Gut Microbiota
- Bac3Gel Win Targeting Microbiota 2024 Best Short Oral Presentation (1)
- ISM Best Short Oral 2024 (2): Impact of Radio-Chemotherapy on Intestinal Dysbiosis in Cervical Cancer Patients
- ISM Best Poster 2024 (2): Indoxyl Sulfate's Role in Dyslipidemia and Cholesterol Gene Expression
- ISM Best Poster 2024 (1): Exploring the Mycobiome in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Drug Effects of Gut Microbiota in Humans: Clinical Consequences
- Phage Therapy: A New Era of “Old” Concept for “Microbiome” Health
- Does the Microbiome Control Cravings and Addictive Behavior of their Host: A New Prospective and Hope for Treating Addiction
- Culturing the Complexity of Intestinal Microbiota In-Vitro in Bac3Gel®
- Using Roseoflavin, a Natural Riboflavin Analogue, to Modify the Human Microbiota
- Prospects for Leveraging the Microbiota as Medicine for Hypertension
- Gut Microbiome, Obesity and Diabetes
- Gut Brain Axis & Depression: Startegic Role of Dietary Proline Exposed
- Mythbusting Our Microbiome
- From Microbiomes and (Meta)genomes to the Lab and Back - Identification, Production and Application of Bacteriocins
- Deciphering the role of the Oral-Placental and Vaginal-Placental Microbiome Axes in Preterm Birth
- Gut Microbiota in Early Life: Impact on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
- Male Fertility and Gut Microbiota: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
- The Small Intestinal Microbiota: A Hidden Player in Human Health and Disease
- Bacteriophages Redesigned – Tiny Killers and Detectives to Support Infectious Disease Therapy
- Microbial Phenotypes in Obesity: Implications for Precision Nutrition
- Probiotics & Health: How to Select the Right Strain?
- Gut Bacteria and Heart Healing: The Hidden Players in Post-Infarction Resilience
- Sophisticated in vitro Models of the Gastrointestinal Tract to Study the Role of the Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease
- Gut Microbiome Signatures in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- The Mystery of the Microbiome Genome: The Potential of 2 to 20 Million Microbial Genes to Transform Our Health
- Microbiota-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Bridging Mother and Fetus
- Revolutionizing Depression Treatment: The Critical Role of Dietary Proline Exposed
- Gut-Brain Connection: Key Insights into Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Fusobacterium nucleatum: A Key to Unlocking Colorectal Cancer Insights
- DOI Allocation for Targeting Microbiota 2024 Abstracts
- Prof. Maria Cecilia Giron Appointed President of ISM, Pioneering Microbiota Research
- Recognizing Prof. Lena Öhman's Outstanding Scientific Contribution to Microbiota Research at Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Best Poster Award at Targeting Microbiota 2023 Spotlights Innovative Research
- Outstanding Presentation on Microbiota Manipulation for Cdkl5 Deficiency Disorder Receives Top Honors at Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Domestic Cleaning and Human Microbiome - Is There a Link?
- Mapping the Kitchen Microbiota in Five European Countries
- Gut microbiota and prebiotics in Parkinson's disease: The RESISTA-PD Trial
- Microbiota, Enteric Nervous and Immune Systems: Barrier Defenses against Foodborne Pathogens Carriage in Poultry
- Skin Microbial Changes during Space Flights
- Microbiota & Myelinazation: The Latest Findings
- Microbiota, Prophages & Phage Therapy: The Missing Link
- COVID 19 and Microbiota - A Story with a Long Tail
- Computational Modeling Microbial Community Networks: Pros and Cons
- Marine Heatwaves and Microbiome in the Mediterranean Sea: Insights From Non Model Organism Manila Clam
- Evaluation of Transitional Changes Shaping the Infants’ Gut Microbiota in Early Life: The CI.EMME Study
- Microbiome Engineering: Reprograming microbes to rewire host-microbiome interactions
- Environmental Drivers of Avian Enteric Neuroendocrine Plasticity in the Context of Foodborne Pathogen Carriage
- Effect of Gut Microbiota Regulation on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Gut Microbiota & Microbiota-Derived Metabolites Role in Endometriosis
- Microbiota and Interactions with Gut and the Enteric Nervous System
- Arresting microbiome development limits immune system maturation and resistance to infection in mice
- Engineered Escherichia Coli for the in Situ Secretion of Therapeutic Nanobodies in the Gut
- Multi-omics in Colon Cancer and Role of the Microbiome
- Clinical Applications of Gut Microbiota: Gut Microbiome for Prediction of Colorectal Neoplasia
- Anthropology and Research on the Microbiome: Addressing Future Health
- Fecal Gut Microbiota and Metabolite Signatures as Biomarkers for Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Gut Microbiota and Cancer Immunotherapy
- The University of Padova is Locally Involved in Organizing Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Targeting Microbiota 2023 will be held at Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
- ISM is now welcoming abstracts for Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 Captured Moments
- Prof. Maria Cecilia Giron Awarded for Her Scientific Contribution on Cancer Therapy and Microbiota
- Short Oral Presentation Award 2022: Recombinant Lactic Acid Bacteria for IBD Therapy
- Short Oral Presentation Award 2022: Effects of the Unique Metabolism of Blautia Wexlerae on Obesity & Diabetes
- Dr. Gilbert Skorski From Phylogene was awarded on his Poster during Targeting Microbiota 2022
- FMT 2022: Reorganization and Perspective
- Microbiota and Drug Metabolism: Towards a Personalized Medicine
- May the Microbiota of the long-lived Naked Mole-rat Affect Human Health?
- Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as an Immunomodulatory and Anti-Infective Agent
- Gene Editing and Microbiome Therapy
- Cancer therapy and Microbiota
- Interactions of Skin Microbiota with Chosen Plant Extracts and Natural Products
- Gut Microbiome and Retinal Disorders: Recent Advances and Perspectives
- Vaginal Microbiota and Dysbiosis: Recent Advances and Perspective
- Microbiota & Microbiotal Medicine: Where We are Now & What’s Next?
- A Gut Commensal, Parabacteroides distasonis, and Type 1 Diabetes Onset
- Influence of the Gut Microbiome in Ischemic Stroke Risk and Ischemic Stroke Outcome
- Interactions Between Epithelial Proteases And Gut Microbiota Biofilms During Intestinal Disease
- Host / Microbiota Interaction at the Mucosal Surface – Importance of a No Man’s Land !
- Host-Microbes Mechanisms during E. coli Infections and Diet-induced Dysmetabolism
- Microbial Biomarkers to Predict Respiratory Infection
- Role of the Gut Microbiota in Arterial Thrombosis
- Oral Microbial Dysbiosis and Oral Diseases
- Probiotics and FMT as Add-On Therapies for Depression
- The Probiotic Strain H. alvei HA4597 for Weight Loss
- Proof-of-Principle Demonstration of Endogenous Circadian System and Circadian Misalignment Effects on Human Oral Microbiota
- Short-chain Fatty Acids as Modulators of Redox Signaling in Health and Disease
- Manipulating Fiber Polysaccharide Structure to Alter Targeting to Gut Microbiota
- Beneficial Effects of Natural Mineral Waters on Intestinal Inflammation and the Mucosa-Associated Microbiota
- Interpreting Microbiomes Via Multi-omics for Precision Health
- Understanding the Heterogeneity of Host-associated Microbial Communities
- Gut Microbiota-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolism
- Microbial and Nutritional Influence on Endocrine Control of Growth
- Precision Nutrition to Modulate Gut Microbiota in Reproductive Health and Pregnancy
- Exploring a Healthy Human Gut Microbiota in a Mediterranean Cohort
- Best Short Oral Presentation Awards 2021
- Best Poster Presentation Awards 2021
- Scientific Awards of Targeting Microbiota 2021
- Microbiota Transfer Therapy for Autism: Multi-Omic Approaches and Lessons Learned
- Role of Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis Dysfunctions Induced by Infections in the Onset of Anorexia Nervosa
- Tryptophan Metabolism in Gut Microbes and Brain Axis
- What Can the Microbiota of the Naked Mole-Rat Tell Us – The Clue to Longevity
- Exosomes and Microbiota: Recent Advances and Perspectives
- Reconstruction of Ancient Microbial Genomes from the Human Gut
- Critical Evaluation of Faecal Microbiome Preservation using Metagenomic Analysis
- Honeybees Microbiome: Recent Advances and Perspective on Compartmentalization in the Adult Gut
- Microbial Endocrinology as a Framework for understanding the Avian Microbiome in a Post-Antibiotic World
- Microbiota regulate social behavior via stress response neurons in the brain
- Fecal Microbiota and Metabolite Profiles in IBD and IBS
- The Promise of Microbiota Modulation during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nonlinear Machine Learning Pattern Recognition and Bacteria-Metabolite Multilayer Network Analysis of Perturbed Gastric Microbiome
- The Horse Gut Microbiome Responds in a Highly Individualized Manner to Forage Lignification
- Role of microbiome in cardiometabolic health
- Real-time monitoring of ruminal microbiota reveals their roles in dairy goats during subacute ruminal acidosis
- The Eubiotic Potential Of Tannins In Piglets' Nutrition
- Linking Lactic Acid Bacteria from Food with the Gut Microbiome
- Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Dogs and Cats
- Recent Advances on the Fish Skin Microbiomes – Challenges in deciphering their shaping factors
- Session Dedicated to Diet as Microbiome and Epigenetic Modulator in Diabetes and Obesity
- A session dedicated to Microbiota and Antibiotics
- The Microbiome as a Bridge Linking Antibiotics and Intestinal Function
- Gut Microbiota Interactions with Cognitive Function
- Deciphering the Effect of Bacteria on Protein Conformational Diseases
- Gut-Brain Axis Regulation of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
- Evaluation of the Effect of Storage Methods on Fecal, Saliva, and Skin Microbiome Composition
- Human gut microbiome signature reflects healthy aging and predicts survival in the latest decades of life
- Gut Microbiota as Important Mediator Between Diet and DNA Methylation and Histone Modifications in the Host
- FMT 2021: Reorganization and Perspective
- The Microbiome of IBD and the Potential of Machine Learning
- Human Gut Microbes and COVID-19
- An Ecological Framework to Understand the Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
- Mitochondrial dysfunction caused by bacteria activates intrinsic apoptosis and inflammation
- First successful delivery of mitochondria to liver cells in animals
- Influenza: combating bacterial superinfection with the help of the microbiota
- Analysis of oral microbiome from fossil human remains revealed the significant differences in virulence factors of modern and ancient Tannerella forsythia
- Personalized whole‐body models integrate metabolism, physiology, and the gut microbiome
- A New Blood Component Revealed
- Phage infection mediates inhibition of bystander bacteria
- Lung Microbiota Predict Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients
- Patients with ankylosing spondylitis display distinct fecal microbiota signature
- The Poster Contribution Award was discerned to Dr. Agata Chudzik
- The Short Oral Contribution Award was delivered to Dr. Satu Pekkala
- Prof. Chantal Pichon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France, awarded by International Society of Microbiota
- Development and Investment Landscape in the Microbiome
- Prof. Marvin Edeas and his team presented a study on Intelligence Artificial and Health meeting at University Paris-Sud
- Prof. Peter Kuntorek and Prof. Marvin Edeas from the International Society of Microbiota will talk during the 9th Latvian Gastroenterology Congress
- Final Agenda & Abstracts Book of Microbiota 2019 Congress
- The International Society of Microbiota is pleased to welcome Biocrates Life Sciences AG to the 7th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2019 !
- DNA Genotek received the ISM Industrial Award during Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Microbiota and Autism: Recent Advances and Perspectives
- The Impact of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, E.Coli and Lactoferrin on the Phenomenon of Translocation in the Low-Birth-Weight Preterm Neonates
- International Society of Microbiota awarded R.E.D. Laboratories during Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Intergenerational Transfer of the Atopic-Disease Potential from the Murine Maternal Gut Microbiota Grafted with Human Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii Pathobionts
- Skin-Bacterial Microbiota Communication: A new element in cutaneous neurogenic inflammation
- Fecal preservation by freeze-drying: applications and perspectives
- Industrial Innovation Award was discerned to Sethic Innovation Lab during Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Microbiota Dysbiosis is Associated with HPV-Induced Cervical Carcinogenesis
- Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control
- Microbiota and cancer : between Detection and Prognosis
- Submit your questions before September 15, 2019 and WIN…
- Venue & Hotel Booking
- Psychotropic Drugs and Microbiota - Important and Little Known Interaction
- Skin microbiota 2019: From basics to applied cosmetics and skin care
- Carcinogenic microbiota of oral cavity
- Gut bacterial metabolites as markers and mediators of cardiovascular aging
- Modulating the microbiota of the hospital environment by probiotic cleaning: impact on infections and antimicrobial resistance
- International Space Station and hospital environments: Composition and function of microbiomes in confined built environments
- Special session on Built Environment Microbiome
- microRNA in host-microbiome interaction and probiotics
- Hyaluronan, a new neuroimmune modulator of the microbiota-immune-gut-axis
- Gut microbiota and graft-versus-host disease in patients after bone marrow transplantation. FMT as a prevention or treatment?
- Metabolic and Metagenomic Consequences of E. coli Infections
- Risk for Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases in the Qatari population: can the salivary microbiome predict it?
- Brain-Gut-Microbiota Axis in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Intestinal barrier, gut microbiota and psoriasis
- Call for Scientific Abstracts & Innovations
- Prof. Jan Mazela, Poznan University of Medical Sciences awarded by International Society of Microbiota
- Concluding remarks of 6th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
- The Poster Presentation award was discerned to Tina Jaenicke
- The Special Poster Presentation award was delivered to Deborah Lynn Amos
- The Short Oral Contribution award was delivered to Dr. Julie Reygner
- Microbiota & Medicine of Tomorrow - The Revolution: Comments by Prof. Marvin Edeas
- Order the Abstracts book of Targeting Microbiota 2018 Congress
- Microbiota sequencing, Big Data interpretation and Artificial Intelligence: myth or reality?
- Exploring the role of gut dysbiosis in neuroinflammation and hypertension
- Role of microbes in stem cells transplantation related complication
- Individual differences in the microbiome and metabolome during circadian misalignment and sleep restriction
- Sepsis and microbiota : obstacles, recent advances and strategies
- Honor thy lodgers? - Interactions between the Built Environment Microbiome and the Human Microbiome
- The impact of antibiotic treatment on the human microbiota – A review of the clinical implications
- Using germfree animal models to prove the role of the gut microbiota in liver diseases
- Can gut phages be used to improve the health of stunted children?
- Recent advances on the relation between the microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurodegenerative diseases
- Link between microbiota & visceral pain: role of bioactive lipids
- Crosstalk between Gut Microbiota, Innate Immune Cells and Endocrine Cells in the Pancreas Regulates Autoimmune Diabetes
- MAIT cells (Mucosal-Associated Invariant T cells) in liver disease and antibacterial response
- The relationship between the microbiota, immune system and behaviour
- What are the effects of gut bacterial metabolites on cardiovascular risk?
- Microbiota & Medicine of Tomorrow: Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Revolution
- The sunny city of Porto will host the 6th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota in October 28-30, 2018.
- Food & Microbiota 2018: What are the three strategic questions?
- Food & Microbiota 2018: The first symposium will be organized in June 14
- Report of the 5th ISM Berlin Microbiota Congress 2017
- ISM communication award 2017 for a presentation about Exploring the gut microbiome role in Parkinson’s disease and in primary parkinsonisms
- The final agenda of the 5th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota is now online
- The ISM poster presentation was discerned to Dr. de Grandi, University of Milan, Italy
- What are the recent advances in fecal microbiota therapy?
- What are the metabolic, epigenetic, and transgenerational effects of gut bacterial choline consumption?
- The role of microbiota in Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD) and complications of allogeneic stem cell transplantation
- RNA-based stable isotope probing to link structure and function of prebiotics-assimilating intestinal microbiotas
- What are the recent advances related to the human infant gut microbiota mobilome?
- The list of oral communications presented during Targeting Microbiota congress is now available
- The final agenda of Targeting Microbiota 2017 is available
- Exhibitors of Targeting Microbiota 2019
- Unraveling the gut microbiome of the long-lived naked mole-rat
- Targeting Microbiota 2017: Come & Network with....
- Indoles from commensal bacteria extend healthspan: a recent study presented by Prof. Jones
- Social ties linked with gut microbiota
- Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe): Presentation of a framework to include microbiota and mitochondria in clinical practice
- What microbes harbor the long-lived naked-mole rats?
- The microbiota, epigenome and transcriptome of colonic inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease
- Novel techniques in microbiota research: From meta-omics to single cells
- The ISM Scientific Contribution Award 2017 was discerned to Prof. Paul Forsythe
- Microbiota and autoimmune diseases: a shield or a sword?
- What is the role of nasal microbiota in respiratory recurrent infections (RRI)?
- Intestinal microbiota and primary sclerosing cholangitis: Presentation of the recent scientific advances
- Human Gut Microbiota : from structure to functions
- Role of the skin microbiota in human health and disease: Dr Markus Egert was awarded for his scientific contribution
- Dysbiosis profiling and pediatric diseases: pattern correlations and bacterial dysfuntions.
- Probiotics as potential therapeutics in the management of metabolic syndrome
- Diet-microbe interactions and their impact to cardiometabolic health
- Hemodynamic effects of hydrogen sulfide, indole and tmao - gut bacteria-derived molecules: the role of the gut-blood barrier
- Cleveland Clinic’s Microbiome Center - Multiple Faculty Positions
- Lactobacilli Modulate Epithelial Cytoprotection through the Nrf2 Pathway
- Microbiota and chronic under nutrition: A strategic presentation by Pr François Leulier
- Probiotics and bone health: Pr Roberto Pacifici will present the recent scientific advances and perspectives
- Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow by Marvin Edeas, chairman of ISM Scientific Committee
- Steigenberger Hotel Berlin will host Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2017 and will offer you privileged rates for your early booking!
- The 2016 is approaching to the end and a fantastic year will come...
- Special Session on Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: All you need to know from A to Z about FMT
- Pr Harald Weiner from Harvard University will introduce Targeting Microbiota 2016
- Strategic questions by Marvin Edeas, from Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016
- Sex steroid deficiency-associated bone loss is microbiota dependent and prevented by probiotics
- Lung microbes and their effect on asthma: A new strategic topic which will be discussed during Targeting Microbiota 2016
- More than 350 attendees participated during Targeting Microbiota Three-day congress
- Tools and approaches to achieve strain resolution analyses of the microbiota
- Moody microbes or fecal phrenology: what do we know about the microbiota-gut-brain axis
- Systemic immunity against selected gut microbes protects from atherosclerosis and wetsern-diet-related inflammation
- The first Symposium dedicated to Skin Microbiota gathered around one hundred specialists on skin in Paris
- Microbiota and Colorectal Cancer: ISM is honoured to welcome Pr Iradj Sobhani as distinguished speaker
- Olfaction & Microbiota: What is the impact of microbiota on odorant detection and olfactory preferences in mice?
- What is the gut microbiota-bone axis? Recent advances and perspectives
- The butyrate revival. Short chain fatty acids as key mediators of gut microbiota
- Transition from an infant- to adult-like gut microbiota – where do the bacteria come from?
- The challenge of the bioinformatics, integrating clinical and microbiome data will be discussed during Targeting Microbiota Congress 2016
- Maternal microbiota sets neonatal innate immune system development
- Important human microbial ecological system modulator - FMT or one of the best clinical applications of epigenetics in gastroenterology
- Bacteriocin from epidemic Listeria strains alters the host intestinal microbiota to favor infection
- Bacteriophages for improving human health: from food additives to dietary supplements
- Role of the microbiome in inflammatory bowel diseases: using multi-omics datase
- Marvin Edeas from Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016 will present the challenge to find strategies to modulate the quality and diversity of microbiota
- Dr Sean Kennedy, Institut Pasteur, Department of Genome & Genetics will highlight microbiota analysis and bioinformatics
- Dr. Jasper will hightlight the age-related immune senescence and microbiota dysbiosis
- The Challenges to control the diversity and variability of microbiota
- A session is dedicated to the Microbiota analysis 2016: The challenge of big data interpretation
- Skin microbiota: Towards a new era in dermocosmetics/ Dermatology
- Targeting Microbiota Abstract Submission
- The ISM awarded Pr Iradj Sobhani for his Scientific Contribution during the 3rd World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
- ISM is pleased to award three scientists for their oral and poster presentations
- Dr Gurumoorthy Krishnamoorthy was awarded by the Scientific Committee of ISM for his Scientific Contribution
- Dr Atti-La Dahlgren was awarded for his presentation about Anaerobically cultivated human intestinal microbiota
- Targeting Microbiota Congress Great moments in Picture
- The Scientific Committee published the final agenda of Targeting Microbiota World Congress
- The Subltle Balance Between Body Fat, Gut Microbiota and the Brain
- To Swab or Not to Swab? Rectal Swabs for Intestinal Microbiota Analysis
- Who will attend Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2015 from Industries & Academics?
- The Interactions Between the Host, the Vaginal Microbiota and Sexually Transmitted Infections: A hot topic of Targeting Microbiota 2015
- Listeria monocytogenes will be introduced by Dr Javier Pizzaro Cerda from Pasteur Institute
- Pr Ernst Holler will present his researches about Metagenomic analysis of microbiota during Targeting Microbiota 2015
- HIV infection & microbiota diversity and quality: how HIV modify gut microbiota?
- Gut microbiota: novel & strategic players in coeliac disease pathogenesis
- Microbiota & Horses: Towards a revolution on animal medicine
- Pancreatic beta-cells limit autoimmune diabetes: strategic role of gut microbiota
- What is the role of gut microbiota in Parkinson’s disease?
- Why should we care about primers and platform in microbiota analysis?
- You have until September 21 to submit your abstracts for Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2015
- Juristical hurdles and possibilities for companies providing faecal transplant services
- What are the evolution and challenges of NGS technologies for microbiota analysis and their validation for diagnostic?
- A Special Session dedicated to Practical Issues and Regulation of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation is organized during Targeting Microbiota 2015
- The International Society of Microbiota awards 3 Scientifics
- Targeting Microbiota Congress Previous Editions
- ISM discerned the award of Short Oral Presentation to Dr. Tewodros Debebe
- ISM is pleased to award Dr. Laurent Naudon for his Poster Presentation
- The International Society of Microbiota published a press released concerning Microbiota Science
- The President of Institut Pasteur will address his welcome during the opening of Targeting Microbiota congress
- A record of academic and industrial participants for Targeting Microbiota 2014
- Targeting Microbiota will gather high distinguished speakers
- Pr Gouyon will talk about Microbiota Evolution, Competition & Cooperation
- Targeted modulation of the gut microbiota-host interaction reveals novel mechanisms involved in host response during obesity
- “10 minutes to convince” dedicated to start-ups and biotech companies
- The microbiome-to-host communication affecting pregnancy and fetal growth in early postnatal life
- Don't forget to register before October 2, midnight to save
- Uncultivated bacterial symbionts: a rich resource for drug development
- You have until September 30 to submit your abstract for Poster Presentation for Targeting Microbiota World Congress
- Microbiota, Oxidative Stress & Intestinal Redox Biology
- Mitochondria-Microbiota Crosstalk: The Intriguing Relationship
- Special Session on Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Practical Issues and Regulation
- News & Media
- Brewing Gut Health How Coffee Consumption Shapes the Microbiome and Boosts Beneficial Bacteria
- Butyrate and Gut Health: Advances in Clinical Applications
- Probiotic-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Reverse Neuroinflammation and Boost Brain Function in Liver Disease
- The Role of Gut Microbiota in Sarcopenia and Potential Probiotic Treatments
- The Hidden Architects of the Gut: Phage-Bacteria Dynamics in Early Childhood Development
- Ketone Bodies: A Promising Link Between Metabolism, Mitochondrial Function, and Brain Health
- Link Between Gut Infections and Alzheimer’s Disease Uncovered
- Key Findings: Sulfur-Producing Bacteria and Crohn’s Disease Symptoms
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction Disrupts Microbiome, Leading to Crohn’s Disease
- Microbiota and Polyphenols: Flavonoids as Activators of Gut Hormones
- A Beneficial Bacterium Promotes Wound Healing: New Insights into the Wound Microbiome
- Your Friends Might Be Influencing Your Gut Microbiome, Study Finds
- Possible Trigger of Crohn’s Disease Discovered: Dysfunctional Mitochondria Disrupt the Gut Microbiome
- Identification of Distinct Stool Metabolites in Women with Endometriosis for Non-Invasive Diagnosis and Microbiota-Based Therapeutic Potential
- Significant Dysregulation in Aging Markers at 44 and 60 Years Revealed by Nonlinear Analysis
- Revealing the Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Maternal-Fetal Communication
- Potential of Probiotics in Enhancing Cognitive and Emotional Health
- Protein Pacing with Intermittent Fasting Enhances Gut Microbiome and Metabolomic Profile Compared to Continuous Caloric Restriction
- Optimizing Garvicin Q Bacteriocin Production Using Corynebacterium glutamicum
- The Antifreeze Effect of the Gut
- Impact of the gut microbiome composition on social decision-making
- Exploring Microbiota-Based Therapies for Hypertension
- The Small Intestinal Microbiota: An Emerging Player in Gastrointestinal Health
- Proximity to Natural Green Spaces Linked to Reduced Childhood Allergies: Role of Gut Microbiota
- Precision microbial intervention improves social behavior but not autism severity
- Hot Springs & Gut Microbiota: The Influence on Bifidobacterium bifidum
- Gut Microbiota and TMAO: New Findings about the Pathogenesis of Pre-eclampsia
- Our bacteria are more personal than we thought, Stanford Medicine-led study shows
- The End of the 'Ideal' Microbiome Myth and the Rise of Customized Microbial Wellness
- Revolutionizing Depression Treatment: The Critical Role of Dietary Proline Exposed
- Gut-Brain Connection: Key Insights into Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Fusobacterium nucleatum: A Key to Unlocking Colorectal Cancer Insights
- Microbiome Dynamics in Oral Cancer Treatment: Role of Salivary Biomarkers
- Dietary Fibers' By-Products Found to Combat Anaphylaxis
- New Study Reveals Kidney Stone Formation Linked to Changes in Body's Microbiota
- Microbiome Connection to Social Anxiety Disorder Clarified
- Gut Bacteria's Crucial Role in Stem Cell Transplants Revealed in New Study
- Single-Celled Gut Protists Flourish Without Mitochondria
- Synthetic Symphony: Scientists Evoke Artificial DNA Transcription with Natural Enzyme Expertise
- Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Emerges as a Novel Strategy to Combat Aging
- Microbiome Study Reveals Accurate Aging Clock and Links Between Gut Microbes, AI, and Longevity
- New Clinical Trial Reveals Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P9 Probiotics as Effective Treatment for Chronic Constipation
- Bacteria treatment reduces insulin resistance, protects against diabetes
- Gut Health Advancements: Pediatric Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Guidance Released by AAP
- JK5G Postbiotics' Impact on Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy
- Prof. Schwiertz Unveils the Role of Butyrate, Gut Microbes, and Prebiotics in Parkinson’s Disease at Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Important step toward next-generation probiotics
- A New Probiotic Strain Can Reduce Staphylococcus aureus Colonisation
- A Probiotic Could Help Mitigate Mercury Absorption in the Gut
- Climate change is not just global warming: Multidimensional impacts on animal gut microbiota
- An Oral Probiotic Can Treat Dry Eye Disease
- Mapping the Kitchen Microbiota in Five European Countries
- Centenarians' Diverse Gut Virome: Potential to modulate metabolism and promote healthy lifespan
- An integrated tumor, immune and microbiome atlas of colon cancer
- Gut Microbiome: Role in Mammalian Mental Health During Space Flight
- Probiotic Use Increased in US Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Associated With a Decline in Necrotizing Enterocolitis but Not With Sepsis or Mortality Rates
- The signature of Parkinson found in gut Microbiota: a PERFECT door open for PD prevention
- Environmental Microbiome Engineering for the Mitigation of Climate Change
- Arresting Microbiome Development Limits Immune System Maturation and Resistance to Infection in Mice
- Researchers use skin-colonizing bacteria to create a topical cancer therapy in mice
- Engineered E. coli for the in situ secretion of therapeutic nanobodies in the gut
- Gut Microbiome with Youth-Associated Signatures Reflects the Longevity of Centenarians
- How the gut creates a cozy home for beneficial microbiome species
- Gut Bacteria are Crucial for Liver Repair
- Whether born naturally or via cesarean section, babies receive essential microbes from their mothers
- Healthy gut bacteria can help fight cancer in other parts of the body
- Discrimination and dysbiosis: How do social inequalities influence the skin microbiome?
- Akkermansia supplementation reduces ovarian cancer progression in mice
- New study puts gut microbiome at the center of Parkinson's disease pathogenesis
- Gut microbiome and its products promote endometriosis in animal model
- New research paper supports using microbiome data to develop potential probiotic therapies
- Redrawing Therapeutic Boundaries: Microbiota and Cancer
- After Christmas: We Are Not Equal
- Do Probiotics Improve Vaginal Health?
- Sports and Motivation: The Secret
- A Highly Specific Fecal Microbiota Signature for Pancreatic Cancer
- FDA Approves First Fecal Microbiota Product
- New Vitamin Producing Pediococcus acidilactici Strain Recovered from Gut Microbiota Inhibits Acetic Acid-Induced Colitis
- Sugar Consumption linked to Microbiome and Immune Dysfunction
- The Association Between Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis & Mortality Post Solid Organ Transplantation
- Personalized Nutrition: New Approach for Modulating Gut Microbiota during Pregnancy
- Gut Microbiota is Linked to Severe Strokes and Poorer Post-Stroke Recovery
- Study: Gut microbiota regulates abdominal functions
- Drinking Refined Deep-Sea Water: Impact on Gut Ecosystem & Intestinal Health
- The Probiotic Strain H. alvei HA4597®: Efficacy for Weight Loss
- Microbiome-Based Therapeutics
- Tumor Hijacks Macrophages & Microbiota Through Extracellular Vesicles
- Ear Microbiota & Middle Ear Disease
- Type of Drinking water & Gut Microbial Signature
- Bone Mass & Strength: The Role of Microbiota Derived Extracellular Vesicles
- Endogenous Circadian System and Circadian Misalignment: Effects on Human Oral Microbiota
- The Gut Microbiome in Respiratory Tract Infections
- Future Trends in Postmortem Microbiota
- Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Depression Therapy
- Different Drinking Water Sources: How Do They Affect Feces Microbiota Diversity
- The Future of Medicine is Strongly Related to the Quality of our Microbiota
- Oral Microbiota: A Player in Human Systematic Diseases
- How Gut Metabolites can Shape Brain Activity
- Bacteria derived extracellular vesicles: potential protectors against HIV?
- Facial Attractiveness Linked to Immune Function
- Latest Improvements in Gut Microbiota Analysis
- The Relationship between Gut Microbiota and Cognitive Function in Young Adult
- Gut Microbiome Pattern in Human Aging and Survival
- The microbiome and human cancer
- Gut Microbiota in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum
- A high-fiber diet may improve the response of melanoma patients to immunotherapy
- New Findings Shed Light on Gut Microbiota Transplantation
- Effect of Dark Cocoa Chocolate on Microbiota
- China launches large-scale autism study using fecal transplant therapy
- The microbiota regulates hematopoietic stem cell fate decisions by controlling iron availability in bone marrow
- Health improvements of type 2 diabetic patients through diet and diet plus fecal microbiota transplantation
- High-sugar, high-fat, and high-protein diets promote antibiotic resistance gene spreading in the mouse intestinal microbiota
- Exploring the universal healthy human gut microbiota around the World
- Metabolites with SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitory Activity Identified from Human Microbiome Commensals
- Science reveals how lean meat can hurt the heart | Health
- Dietary fiber and probiotics influence the gut microbiome and melanoma immunotherapy response
- What makes the heart and gut inseparable
- Effects of gut microbiota-derived extracellular vesicles on obesity and diabetes and their potential modulation through diet
- The impact of drugs on gut microbes is greater than we thought
- Nanotechnology Based Approaches in Phage Therapy: Overcoming the Pharmacological Barriers
- Fasting Increases Microbiome-Based Colonization Resistance and Reduces Host Inflammatory Responses During an Enteric Bacterial Infection
- Gut Bacteria Rewind Ageing Brain in Mice
- Anti-Tumor Agent from the Intestine
- Our Genes Shape Our Gut Bacteria, New Research Shows
- Microbiota regulate social behaviour via stress response neurons in the brain
- The impact of the female genital tract microbiome in women health and reproduction: a review
- Destination shapes antibiotic resistance gene acquisitions, abundance increases, and diversity changes in Dutch travelers
- Bacteria are connected to how babies experience fear
- Nasopharyngeal Microbiota in SARS-CoV-2 Positive and Negative Patients
- Role of microbiota-gut-brain axis dysfunctions induced by infections in the onset of anorexia nervosa
- Nonlinear Machine Learning Pattern Recognition and Bacteria-Metabolite Multilayer Network Analysis of Perturbed Gastric Microbiome
- Gut Microbiota Composition Reflects Disease Severity and Dysfunctional Immune Responses in Patients with COVID-19
- Reconstruction of Ancient Microbial Genomes from the Human Gut
- Wisdom, Loneliness and your Intestinal Multitude
- Researchers Discover a Gut Microbiota Profile that can Predict Mortality
- New Evidence Links Gut Bacteria and Neurodegenerative Conditions
- Evaluation of the Effect of Storage Methods on Fecal, Saliva, and Skin Microbiome Composition
- Gut Microbiome Implicated in Healthy Aging and Longevity
- Gut Microbiota Provide Clues for Treating Diabetes
- Gut Microbiota in Cesarean-Born Babies Catches up
- Oat and Rye Bran Fibers Alter Gut Microbiota, Reducing Weight Gain and Hepatic Inflammation
- An Ecological Framework to Understand the Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
- History of Breastfeeding but not Mode of Delivery Shapes the Gut Microbiome in Childhood
- Bioinspired Oral Delivery of Gut Microbiota by Self-Coating with Biofilms
- Analysis of Oral Microbiome from Fossil Human Remains Revealed the Significant Differences in Virulence Factors of Modern and Ancient Tannerella Forsythia
- Personalized Whole‐Body Models Integrate Metabolism, Physiology, and the Gut Microbiome
- Targeted Depletion of Bacteria from Mixed Populations by Programmable Adhesion with Antagonistic Competitor cells
- Phage Infection Mediates Inhibition of Bystander Bacteria
- Personalized Mapping of Drug Metabolism by the Human Gut Microbiome
- Influenza: Combating Bacterial Superinfection with the Help of the Microbiota
- A New Blood Component Revealed
- Common Foods Can Help ‘Landscape’ the Jungle of Our Gut Microbiome
- Persistent environmental contaminant changes the gut microbiome of mice
- Ocean Swimming Alters Skin Microbiome, Increasing Vulnerability to Infection
- Food selectively affects gut microbes finds study
- New insights into intestinal phages
- Recovery of the Gut Microbiota after Antibiotics Depends on Host Diet, Community Context, and Environmental Reservoirs
- Fasting reduces Multiple Sclerosis severity by altering Gut Microbiome, study finds
- The gut microbiota may be involved in ovarian dysfunction and insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome
- Study reveals link between starch digestion gene, gut bacteria
- Sweet discovery in leafy greens holds key to gut health
- The human microbiome may have as many genes as the universe has stars
- Strange bacteria hint at ancient origin of photosynthesis
- 3D printed pill samples gut microbiome to aid diagnosis and treatment
- These gut bacteria prevent mice from becoming obese - what could that mean for us?
- Targeting Microbiota 2019 Agenda | Skin Microbiota | Built Environment Microbiome | October 10-11, 2019
- Gut bacteria could be key to producing tastier cow’s milk
- Marvin Edeas: Pilote study on Microbiota Quality and Mitochondrial Activity
- Prof. Marvin Edeas highlights link between Microbiota and Phage Therapy: Future Challenges in Medicine
- Gut Microbiome Directs the Immune System to Fight Cancer
- Young Microbiome Associated with Healthy Hearts in Old Age
- Organ-on-a-Chip Technology Shows That Probiotics May Not Always be Beneficial
- Newly isolated human gut bacterium reveals possible connection to depression
- A gut feeling for mental health
- Age prediction using Microbiota
- Using a mouse model of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) -- a potentially fatal condition that causes a premature infant's gut to suddenly die
- Microbiome characterization by high-throughput transfer RNA sequencing and modification analysis
- Physicists develop new mathematical approaches to analyze interactions between gut bacteria
- Microbial-based treatment reverses autism spectrum social deficits in mouse models
- Microbially Produced Imidazole Propionate Impairs Insulin Signaling through mTORC1
- Dietary fatty acids sustain growth of human gut microbiota
- Gut Bacteria Can Produce Electricity
- Study finds how animal guts have evolved to defend themselves from microbial attack
- Strawberries could help reduce harmful inflammation in the colon
- Baby poop may be source of beneficial probiotics
- Gut bacteria provide key to making universal blood
- Eat high-fiber foods to reduce effects of stress on gut and behavior
- Gut bacteria byproduct protects against Salmonella
- Scientists Pinpoint Bacteria Likely to Cause Bowel Cancer
- Gut bacteria relieve epilepsy
- Comprehensive skin microbiome analysis reveals the uniqueness of human skin and evidence for phylosymbiosis within the class Mammalia
- Missing microbes 'cause' childhood cancer
- Gut microbial diversity is associated with lower arterial stiffness in women
- How the gut influences neurologic disease
- Improvement of Insulin Sensitivity after Lean Donor Feces in Metabolic Syndrome Is Driven by Baseline Intestinal Microbiota Composition.
- Effectiveness of Adoptive T-Cell Immunotherapy May Depend on Gut Microbiome
- Researchers identify millions of new genes in the human microbiome
- Systematic Characterization and Analysis of the Taxonomic Drivers of Functional Shifts in the Human Microbiome
- C-Section and Formula-Fed Babies Have Different Microbiome From Breastfed or Vaginal Births
- Short-chain fatty acids regulate systemic bone mass and protect from pathological bone loss
- Dietary sugar linked to increasing bacterial epidemics
- A PSA from your gut microbes: Enjoy the holidays but don't forget your fiber
- Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates TH17 axis and disease
- Gut microbiome may make chemo drug toxic to patients
- Good-guy bacteria may help cancer immunotherapies do their job
- Bacteria in the gut modulates response to immunotherapy in melanoma
- Light, fat, and commensals
- Gut bacteria that “talk” to human cells may lead to new treatments
- Unraveling the gut microbiome of the long-lived naked mole-rat
- Chemicals from gut bacteria maintain vitality in aging animals - Indoles from commensal bacteria extend healthspan
- A randomized synbiotic trial to prevent sepsis among infants in rural India
- Brain cells that influence aging
- What is the impact of diet-microbe interactions to cardiometabolic health?
- Researchers Discover Hundreds Of Unexpected Mutations From New Gene Editing Technology
- Gut Feeling: Sensory cells of the mouse intestine let the brain know if certain compounds are present by speaking directly to gut neurons via serotonin
- Athletes’ Microbiomes Differ from Non athletes
- Pr Ernst Holler will present his researches about Metagenomic analysis of microbiota during Targeting Microbiota 2015
- The gut microbiota and obesity: from correlation to causality presented by Pr Liping Zhao, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- What is the role of gut microbiota in Parkinson’s disease?
- Dr Callawaert was awarded for his Scientific Contribution durin Skin Microbiota 2015
- The first Symposium dedicated to Skin Microbiota gathered around one hundred specialists on skin in Paris
- Form B to B meeting
- Jobs & PostDoc Positions
- Jobs
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics of Vector-Borne Diseases
- Microbiota Job: Scientific mission
- Events & Conference Executive - International Society of Microbiota
- Scientist and Conference Coordination - International Society of Microbiota
- Microbial Sequencing and Analytics Core Director - Lerner Research Institute / Cleveland Clinic
- Microbial Culturing and Engineering Core Director - Lerner Research Institute / Cleveland Clinic
- Full Professorship (W3) in „Infection, Inflammation and Cancer“ at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg, Germany
- Scientist on intestinal health in poultry - Ghent University
- Cleveland Clinic’s Microbiome Center - Multiple Faculty Positions
- Opening of Associated Professor Position in Pr Marvin Edeas's department at University Paris Descartes, Institut Cochin
- Staff scientist position in the Division of Translational Medicine at Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar
- Post doctoral position in the Division of Translational Medicine at Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar
- The Division of Gastroenterology is offering a Post-Doctoral fellowship - Miami Miller School of Medicine
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- Targeting Microbiota 2025 Agenda
- Microbiota and Host: Official Partner of Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Bac3Gel Becomes Gold Supporter for Targeting Microbiota 2024
- DNA Genotek is Sponsoring Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Strategic Topics to be Discussed at Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Thanks to All Speakers & Supporters
- ISM Annual Meeting 2024 Highlights
- Abstracts Book & VOD - Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Workshop 2024: Probiotic & Prebiotic Prescribing Practices: Empowering Medical Doctors for Improved Patient Health
- Targeting Microbiota 2025 Registration
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- Targeting Microbiota 2023 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2023 Concluding Remarks
- Targeting Microbiota Awards
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- ISM Symposium 2015 Concluding Remarks
- Concluding Remarks 2014
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- Targeting Microbiota 2019 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2021 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2018 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2017 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2016 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2014 Awards
- Targeting Microbiota 2015 Awards
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- 12th ISM Annual Meeting on Targeting Microbiota, happening November 5-6, 2025
- Who is Attending and Agenda - October 14-15, Malta
- Early Bird Registration Ends in 5 Days! Register for the 11th Annual ISM Meeting, October 14-15, Malta
- Redefining Health Through the Gut Microbiome: Insights from the 11th Annual ISM Meeting, October 14-15, Malta
- Outstanding Speakers and Topics: Targeting Microbiota 2024 Agenda - October 14-15, Corinthia Palace Malta
- Submit your Abstracts to Targeting Microbiota 2024 - October 14-15, Corinthia Palace Malta
- Clinical Applications at Targeting Microbiota 2024 - October 14-15, Corinthia Palace Malta
- Key Messages and Tonality of the Targeting Microbiota 2024 Conference - October 14-15, Malta
- Targeting Microbiota 2024 Updates: Speakers, Key Dates & Who is Attending - Malta, October 14-15
- First Speaker Line-Up & Program of the 11th ISM Annual Meeting
- Targeting Microbiota 2024 First Speakers & Agenda - October 14-15, Malta
- Register Early for Targeting Microbiota 2024 - October 17-18, Malta
- Targeting Microbiota 2024: Program, Early Bird Registration & Call for Speakers
- Register Early for Malta Targeting Microbiota 2024
- Season's Greeting from the International Society of Microbiota
- Mark Your Agendas for Targeting Microbiota 2024!
- Join 320 attendees tomorrow in Venice, at Targeting Microbiota 2023
- You can still join Targeting Microbiota 2023 Online - Why Join?
- The Microbiota Landscape: Complexity, Competition and Challenges - Venice, October 17-19
- What we will talk about during the ISM Meeting & Who is Attending
- Agenda of ISM Annual Meeting: Online & In-Person Participation & Attendees
- Agenda & Speakers, Phage-Microbiome Consortium, Who is Attending - Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Speaker Lineup, Program and Early Bird Registration - Targeting Microbiota 2023
- Agenda of Targeting Microbiota 2023, Microbiota Business Workshop, Early Bird Registration, Call for Biobank Facilities, October 17-19
- Venice will host the 10th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2023, October 17-19
- Recordings on Demand & Book of Abstracts - Targeting Microbiota 2022
- More than 88 Communications will be Presented at Targeting Microbiota 2022
- Targeting Microbiota World Congress - Agenda, Highlights, & Who is Attending?
- 9th International Society of Microbiota World Congress - Highlights
- 9th Microbiota World Congress - Highlights, Speakers, Agenda
- International Society of Microbiota - Early Bird Registration
- Targeting Microbiota 2022 - Register before May 18 & Save
- Join us for the 9th Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2022, 19-21 October
- Skin & Gut Microbiota Workshops 2022 - Register Now
- Targeting Microbiota 2022, 19-21 October, Call for Abstracts
- Targeting Microbiota Congress & Workshops, 73 Communications, 39 Countries
- Microbiota 2021 Speakers & Agenda, Register Now & Save
- Targeting Microbiota 2021 Speakers & Agenda, October 20-22, 2021
- Agenda of Microbiota 2021, Call for Abstract, October 20-22, 2021
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