Pr Ernst Holler will present his researches about Metagenomic analysis of microbiota during Targeting Microbiota 2015



During the 3rd World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2015 scheduled on October 21-23, 2015 at Institut Pasteur, Paris, the Scientific Committee is pleased to welcoming Pr Holler, from the University Medical Center Regensburg in Germany.

Pr Holler who will give a talk about Metagenomic Analysis of the microbiota in patients receiving allogeneic SCT: Role of harmful versus protective microbiota and the impact of antibiotic prophylaxis and treatment.

Pr Holler from the University Medical Center Regensburg in Germany will present his work concerning the role of intestinal microbiota in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

If you would like to know more about Pr Holler's study, don't hesitate and come.

For more information:






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