The Mystery of the Microbiome Genome: The Potential of 2 to 20 Million Microbial Genes to Transform Our Health

Edeas 1Prof. Marvin Edeas, chairman of the ISM Scientific Board from Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France will join Targeting Microbiota 2024 this October.

He will open the second day of the congress with a keynote presentation: "The Mystery of the Microbiome Genome: The Potential of 2 to 20 Million Microbial Genes to Transform Our Health".

He will delve into the vast genetic landscape of the human microbiome. His keynote will discuss the implications of this genetic diversity for human health, exploring how we might outsource more functions from our microbiome to our health. This involves understanding how these microbial genes interact with our own and how we can influence these interactions.

Targeting Microbiota 2024 Speakers Line-up.

International Society of Microbiota
Targeting Microbiota 2024 Conference
October 14-15, 2024 - Malta
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