General Information

Targeting Microbiota 2022 - Agenda

 Gut Microbiota Workshop - October 19, 2022

How to Evaluate & Modulate Gut Microbiota?

Carole Nicco, Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France

gut workshop

 Congress Day One - October 20, 2022  

Inaugural Speech: Microbiota 2022 -  Vision & Gaps

Microbiota Dysbiosis in Diseases: Recent Advances

  • Microbiota Dysbiosis in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19
  • Microbiota Dysbiosis  & Cancer

Microbiota, Slimming & Weight Loss: Science or Marketing?

Personalized Nutrition and Microbiota 

Role of Microbiota in Drugs Metabolism: Towards Personalized Medicine

Short Oral Presentations

End of the first day


Congress Day TwoOctober 21, 2022

Microbiota in Mineral Water & Hot Springs: Unexplored Science

Targeting Microbiota Dysbiosis: Strategies to Manipulate the Microbiome & Microbiota

  • FMT 2022: What's New ?
  • Phage Therapy & Microbiome
  • Cancer & Immunotherapy
  • Gut Microbiota & Antibiotics

Microbiota Innovation, Challenges & Sprints

  • Find an effective and inexpensive diagnostic tests and technologies to predict and correct dysbiosis 
  • The best probiotic strains for health and diseases
  • Microbiota Innovation Techniques & Devices 2022
  • Strategies to control shifts in the composition of the microbiota that cause dysbiosis and contribute to disease pathogenesis  
Short Oral Presentations

Concluding Remarks

Scientific & Innovations Awards

End of Targeting Microbiota 2022

 If you wish to submit your abstract for Short oral presentation or Poster, please follow the link below.

ism abstract submission v1

Targeting Microbiota 2019 - Preliminary Agenda

Day 1 - October 9, 2019
17h00 18h00 Registration - Badges & Material Providing
Day 2 - October 10, 2019
08h30 Registration - Badges & Material Providing
08h55 Welcome Address
09h00 - 12h45

Session 1: Microbiota 2019: Recent Advances & Challenges

Metabolic and Metagenomic Consequences of E. coli Infections
Matteo Serino, Inserm and Digestive Health Research Institute, France

Brain-Gut-Microbiota Axis in Alzheimer’s Disease
Agata Mulak,
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland

Risk for Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases in the Qatari population: Can the salivary microbiome predict it?
Souhaila Al Khodor, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Qatar

10h30 - 11h00 Coffee Break & Poster Session
12h00 - 12h45 Short Oral Presentations

12h45 - 14h00 Lunch Break & Poster Session

14h00 - 15h30

Session 2: Challenges of microbiota-host cross-talk understanding and intestinal microbiome signaling to extraintestinal organs

Click here to access to the corresponding tracks
15h30 - 16h15 Coffee Break & Poster Session

16h15 - 18h30

Session 3: Microbiota Metabolites and Metabolome: Challenges & Perspectives

Gut bacterial metabolites as markers and mediators of cardiovascular aging
Marcin Ufnal, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

Short Oral Presentations
18h30  End of the first day

Targeting Microbiota Dinner

Day 3 -  October 11, 2019
08h30 Opening of the second day

Special Workshop: Skin microbiota 2019: From basics to applied cosmetics and skin care

Florence Abdallah, University Paris-Sud - Inserm U 1184, France


The first part
Skin Microbiota : Recent advances and perspectives


The second part
Strategies to modulate and affect skin microbiota in health and diseases?

Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control
Chantal Pichon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Intestinal barrier, gut microbiota and psoriasis
Mariusz Sikora, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

10h30 11h00 Coffee Break & Poster Session
12h00 12h45 Short Oral Presentations

12h45 14h00 Lunch Break & Poster Session

14h00 15h30

Session 4:  Session on Built Environment Microbiome

Special session on Built Environment Microbiome
Markus Egert, Furtwangen University, Germany

International Space Station and hospital environments: Composition and function of microbiomes in confined built environments
Medical University Graz, Austria

Modulating the microbiota of the hospital environment by probiotic cleaning: impact on infections and antimicrobial resistance
Elisabetta Caselli, University of Ferrara, Italy

15h30 16h00 Coffee Break & Poster Session

Session 5: Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow: Development of effective therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota

Gut microbiota and graft-versus-host disease in patients after bone marrow transplantation.
FMT as a prevention or treatment?
Jaroslaw Bilinski, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

microRNA in host-microbiome interaction and probiotics
Elena M Comelli, University of Toronto, Canada

Hyaluronan, a new neuroimmune modulator of the microbiota-immune-gut-axis
Cristina Giaroni, University of Insubria, Italy

16h00 17h15

Short Oral Presentations

17h15 18h00

General Discussion & Concluding Remarks: Microbiota, big data and artificial intelligency: we need to initiate the discussion.

Targeting Microbiota Awards

18h00 End of Targeting Microbiota 2019

Register here small

submit your abstract

Welcome to Targeting Microbiota 2018

Pr. Peter Konturek

On behalf of the International Society of Microbiota, we are pleased to inform you that the 6th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota will be organized at Porto, Portugal, on October 28-30, 2018.

During both days, many oral and poster communications will be presented and will cover many hot topics:

  • Microbiota 2018: Recent Advances & Perspectives
  • Challenges of microbiota sequencing and analyzing: How to manage the Big Data of sequencing?
  • Challenges of microbiota-host cross-talk understanding and intestinal microbiome signaling to extraintestinal organs
  • Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow: Development of effective therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota

During Targeting Microbiota 2018, we will try to answer many question, among them:

  • Can we modulate the quality and diversity of human microbiota?
  • How to induce durable beneficial changes in gut microbiota?
  • Where is the red line of the gut microbiota manipulation?
  • What are the strategic mediators of gut microbiota?
  • How to understand better the role of bacterial metabolites?
  • What is the perfect microbiota "signature" and how to use it as a biomarker to "predict" and/or treat many diseases?
  • What is the influence of gut microbiota on the development and progression of chronic diseases?

I do believe that this would be the best future strategy for the 6th World Congress of Targeting Microbiota in 2018: a strong communication between basic, pre-clinical scientists and clinicians.

Microbiota & Medicine of Tomorrow: The Revolution

The scientific committee of ISM and in particular Prof. Marvin Edeas (Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, France), founder of the International Society of Microbiota (ISM) wish to highlight: "...there is a deep transformation in our current medicine where big data and Artificial Intelligence will play a strategic role in the medicine of tomorrow. How all big data generated by microbiota sequencing can be used? Can we talk about Artificial Intelligence and microbiota medicine? We wish to open the door for this kind of discussion..."

So, I hope to meet you at the next meeting in order to capture moments of relationship and scientific inspirations by the many and best scientists we have in the world studying the various aspects of the microbiota.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, our warmest regards.

Prof. Peter C. Konturek - President of ISM

Prof. Marvin Edeas - ISM Scientific Steering Board
Prof. Knut Rudi - ISM Scientific Steering Board


Targeting Microbiota 2021 - Agenda

8th World World Congress on
Targeting Microbiota 2021
October 20-22, 2021
UNESCO, Paris, France, In-Person & Online

Online Workshop
Gut Microbiota & Skin Microbiota Workshop
October 20, 2021

9h00 - 13h30
How to Evaluate & Modulate Gut Microbiota?

Carole Nicco
Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France

For full agenda, registration and information, please follow this link

gut workshop


14h00 - 18h00
How to Evaluate Skin Microbiota 2021?
Florence Abdallah,

University of Paris Sud – INSERM 1184, France

For full agenda, registration and information, please follow this link

skin workshop

Day One
Targeting Microbiota 2021 - Mechanisms & Pathologies

October 21, 2021

Inaugural Speech: Microbiota 2021 -  Vision & Gaps

9h00 - 10h30
Microbiota Dysbiosis in Diseases: Recent Advances

  • Microbiota Dysbiosis in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19
  • Microbiota Dysbiosis  & Cancer


Short Oral Presentations
10h30 - 12h00
Epigenetic Activity of the Microbiota & Metabolites
12h00 - Break
12h30 - 14h00
Microbiota Metabolites: State of the Art & Perspective
Short Oral Presentations
14h00 - 15h30
Microbiota & Environment
15h30 - Break
15h45 - 17h00
Targeting Microbiome Big Data, Algorithms, Machine Learning Challenges
Short Oral Presentations
End of the first day


Day Two
Clinical Studies & Innovations & Animal Microbiota

October 22, 2021

8h00 - 10h30
Targeting Microbiota Dysbiosis: Strategies to Manipulate the Microbiome & Microbiota
  • FMT 2021: What's New ?
  • Phage Therapy & Microbiome
  • Cancer & Immunotherapy
  • Gut Microbiota & Antibiotics
10h30 - Break
10h45 - 12h30
Brain, Behaviour, Ageing and Microbiota
12h30 - Break

13h00 - 15h00
Microbiota Innovation, Challenges & Sprints

  • Find an effective and inexpensive diagnostic test and technologies to predict dysbiosis and be able to quickly correct it in human Gut, Skin, nasal, buccal, or saliva samples
  • The best probiotic strains for health and diseases
  • Microbiota Innovation Technics & Devices 2021
  • Strategies to control shifts in the composition of the microbiota, causing a state of dysbiosis that reflects the pathological process and contributes to disease pathogenesis  
15h00 - Break
15h30 - 18h00
Targeting Animal Microbiota Symposium
Short Oral Presentations
Concluding Remarks
Scientific & Innovations Awards
End of Targeting Microbiota 2021

If you wish to submit your abstract for Short oral presentation or Poster, please follow the link below.

submit your abstract

Welcome to Targeting Microbiota 2019

Pr. Peter Konturek

On behalf of the International Society of Microbiota, we are pleased to inform you that the 7th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota will be organized in Park Inn Hotel - Krakow, Poland, on October 10 - 11, 2019.

During those days, lots of oral and poster presentations will be introduced and will cover many hot topics:

  • Microbiota 2019: Recent Advances & Perspectives
  • Microbiota Metabolites and Metabolome: Challenges & Perspectives
  • Challenges of microbiota-host cross-talk understanding and intestinal microbiome signaling to extraintestinal organs
  • Microbiota & medicine of tomorrow: Development of effective therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota
  • New Session dedicated to Built Environment Microbiome
  • Special Workshop dedicated to Skin microbiota 2019: From basics to applied cosmetics and skin care
    • The first part is Skin Microbiota : Recent advances and perspectives
    • The second part are strategies to modulate and affect skin microbiota in health and diseases

I do believe that this would be the best future strategy for the 7th World Congress of Targeting Microbiota in 2019: strong communication between basic, pre-clinical scientists and clinicians.

Microbiota & Medicine of Tomorrow: The Revolution

The chairman of the scientific committee of the International Society of Microbiota (ISM), Prof. Marvin Edeas (Institut Cochin, Université Paris Descartes, France), explained the new topics of the 7th edition of Targeting Microbiota. The Microbiota and microbiome are transforming deeply our understanding of Medicine of tomorrow. It is really a revolution which allows us to rethink and redesign our strategies about the way we will prevent and treat many diseases and pathologies. 

Among the strategic questions which will be debated:

 - How can all big data generated by microbiota sequencing or the metabolome be used?

- Can we speak about Artificial Intelligence and microbiota medicine?

Other topics which are important to discuss with the scientific committee cover a lot of tests and devices in the market (whose target is the general public) to collect, sequence and analyse human (and animal) Microbiota. They systematically propose  the utilization of huge amount of probiotics and products.

So, I hope to meet you at the next meeting to capture moments of conviviality and scientific inspiration and to study the various aspects of the microbiota with the best scientists we have in the world .

Krakow is a unique place for visitors which offers the most convenient and pleasant settings for international congresses, and which has the oldest and largest academic centres of Poland. The city is famous for its historical old town (UNESCO World Heritage Site) along with the Wawel castle and Kazimierz district. Krakow can be easily reached by plane, train or car.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Our warmest regards.


Prof. Peter C. Konturek - President of ISM
Teaching Hospital of the University of Jena, Germany

Prof. Marvin Edeas - ISM Scientific Steering Board
Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016,  Paris Descartes University, France

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