
Phage infection mediates inhibition of bystander bacteria

Bacteriophages (phages) are being considered as alternative therapeutics for the treatment of multidrug resistant bacterial infections. Considering phages have narrow host-ranges, it is generally accepted that therapeutic phages will have a marginal impact on non-target bacteria. We have discovered that lytic phage infection induces transcription of type VIIb secretion system (T7SS) genes in the pathobiont Enterococcus faecalis. Membrane damage during phage infection induces T7SS gene expression resulting in cell contact dependent antagonism of diverse Gram positive bystander bacteria. Deletion of essB, a T7SS structural component abrogates phage-mediated killing of bystanders. A predicted immunity gene confers protection against T7SS mediated inhibition and disruption of an upstream LXG toxin gene rescues growth of E. faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus bystanders. Phage induction of T7SS gene expression and bystander inhibition requires IreK, a serine/threonine kinase, and OG1RF_11099, a predicted transcriptional activator. Our findings highlight how phage infection of a target bacterium can affect non-target bystander bacteria and implies phage therapy could impose collateral damage to polymicrobial communities.

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Journal reference:
Anushila Chatterjee, Julia L. E. Willett, Gary M. Dunny, Breck A. Duerkop. Phage infection mediates inhibition of bystander bacteria. bioRxiv 2020.05.11.077669;

At your Agenda: 
8th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota
October 22-23, 2020 - UNESCO, Paris, France

Lung Microbiota Predict Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients

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Rationale: Recent studies have revealed that in critically ill patients, lung microbiota are altered and correlate with alveolar inflammation. The clinical significance of altered lung bacteria in critical illness is unknown. Objectives: To determine if clinical outcomes of critically ill patients are predicted by features of the lung microbiome at the time of admission. Methods: We performed a prospective observational cohort study in an intensive care unit (ICU) at a university hospital. Lung microbiota were quantified and characterized using droplet digital PCR and bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Primary predictors were the bacterial burden, community diversity, and community composition of lung microbiota. The primary outcome was ventilator-free days, determined at 28 days post admission. Measurements and Main Results: Lungs of 91 critically ill patients were sampled using miniature-bronchoalveolar lavage within 24 hours of ICU admission. Patients with increased bacterial lung bacterial burden had fewer ventilator-free days (HR 0.43, CI 0.21-0.88), which remained significant when controlled for pneumonia and severity of illness. The community composition of lung bacteria predicted ventilator-free days (P=0.003), driven by the presence of gut-associated bacteria (e.g. Lachnospiraceae and Enterobacteriaceae spp.). Detection of gut-associated bacteria was also associated with the presence of the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Conclusions: Key features of the lung microbiome (bacterial burden, enrichment with gut-associated bacteria) predict outcomes in critically ill patients. The lung microbiome is an understudied source of clinical variation in critical illness, and represents a novel therapeutic target for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory failure.

Authors: Robert P. Dickson , Marcus J. Schultz , Tom van der Poll , Laura R. Schouten , Nicole R. Falkowski , Jenna E Luth , Michael W. Sjoding , Christopher A Brown , Rishi Chanderraj , Gary B. Huffnagle , Lieuwe D.J. Bos

Patients with ankylosing spondylitis display distinct fecal microbiota signature

356Patients with ankylosing spondylitis demonstrate a distinct fecal microbiota signature that is linked to levels of fecal calprotectin, but not other clinical parameters, according to data published in Arthritis Research & Therapy.

“The gastrointestinal tract is the home of more than 1,000 species of bacteria, but also fungi and viruses, which coexist with the host in a reciprocal relationship,” Eva Klingberg, MD,PhD, of the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden, and colleagues wrote. “The gut microbiota is necessary for the development and shaping of the immune system, and the host genetics play a role in the establishing and shaping of the gut microbiota.”


“Intestinal microbiota most likely play a role in initiating and triggering the immune system in individuals who are genetically susceptible for [inflammatory bowel disease], leading to the typical gut inflammation of [Crohn’s disease] and [ulcerative colitis],” they added. “Aberrations in the gut microbiome, dysbiosis with decreased bacterial diversity, expansion of potentially pro-inflammatory bacteria, and reduction of potentially anti-inflammatory, protective bacteria have repeatedly been shown in IBD. However, it is still unclear whether the dysbiosis in IBD is a cause or a consequence of the gut inflammation.”

To evaluate differences in fecal microbiota among patients with AS, ulcerative colitis and healthy individuals, as well as analyze the relationship between fecal microbiota, fecal calprotectin and disease-related variables in AS, Klingberg and colleagues studied a cohort from Western Sweden across the 5-year period. Participants included 204 patients recruited in 2009, with the same patients invited back for a follow-up in 2014. For this analysis, the researchers focused on 150 participants with AS, 18 with ulcerative colitis and 17 healthy controls with no history of gastrointestinal or other chronic disorders.

Klingberg E, et al. Arthritis Res Ther. 2019;doi:10.1186/s13075-019-2018-4.

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The Poster Contribution Award was discerned to Dr. Agata Chudzik

Targeting Microbiota 2019 Dr. ChudzikThe Poster Contribution Award was discerned to Dr. Agata Chudzik from Medical University of Lublin, Poland, during Targeting Microbiota 2019, which was held in Krakow, Poland, for her poster presentation entitled "Evaluation of neurometabolites level after microbiotic supplementation (Lactobacillus rhumnosus LR-JB1TM) in rat model of chronic unpredictable mild stress".

The study assesses the neurometabolic and behavioral changes after bacterial diet in an animal model of chronic unpredictable mild stress. The results show that JB-1 bacteria diet influenced the stabilization of stress-related neurometabolites in rat brain and prevented to develop anxiety/depressive-like behavior. 

 Testimonial by Dr. Chudzik:
"It was a great pleasure to attend to Targeting Microbiota 2019 Congress. I would like to thank Organizers for the opportunity to present my PhD research and I feel very honoured that Scientific Committee awarded it.Participating in Targeting Microbiota Congress allowed me to hear and discuss the recent advances and challenges in the microbiota research. The outstanding lectures given by experts in the field of human and animal microbiome were very inspiring and enabled a new look at the topics discussed. I have enriched my knowledge about the microbiome-gut-brain axis in detail, which is a particularly exciting issue for me. Moreover congress allowed me to meet people interested in similar issues and every conversation led to  brainstorming and sharing ideas."

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International Society of Microbiota 

The Short Oral Contribution Award was delivered to Dr. Satu Pekkala

Targeting Microbiota 2019 Satu PekkalaDuring the Targeting Microbiota 2019 congress, which was held in Krakow, Poland, the Scientific Committee awarded Dr. Satu Pekkala, from University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, for her Oral Presentation entitled "Targeting Faecalibacterium prausnitzii with prebiotic xylo oligosaccharides prevents from Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)"

The study presented by Dr. Pekkala identifies F. prausnitzii as target treat NAFLD and the underlying preventive mechanisms that involve fat oxidation and glucose metabolism. 

Testimonial by Dr. Pekkala
" I am very honored for this award and I congratulate the International of Society of Microbiota by organizing the congress 7th Targeting Microbiota full of excellent presentations. I have always thought that the gut microbiota studies should advance from detecting associations to show mechanistically the biological significance of the detected associations. This is needed to be able to target the microbes to treat different diseases in the future. Therefore, I am thrilled to see the development of the gut microbiota studies from year to year in this congress!

I am currently Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I am also Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, Finland. My research team has discovered that a specific gut bacterium, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii associated with liver fat content in humans. We treated a murine model of fatty liver with this bacterium and found that it was able to prevent the disease. Unfortunately, the potential therapeutic microbes are not always accepted for human use and therefore it is important to find alternative ways to increase their natural abundance in the gut. As I presented in the congress, we found a prebiotic fibre that increased F. prausnitzii in vivo and at the same could prevent fatty liver in rats. We are currently setting up a human study to see whether our findings can be translated to humans."

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International Society of Microbiota

Prof. Chantal Pichon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France, awarded by International Society of Microbiota

International Society of Microbiota (ISM) is honored to announce the winner of the Scientific Contribution Award for the year 2019, Prof. Chantal Pichon from French National Centre for Scientific Research, University of Orléans, France.

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Prof. Chantal Pichon gave an excellent communication during the 7th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2019, which was held in Krakow, Poland, on the Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control

Testimonial of Prof. Pichon:
"I am indebted to the organizers for inviting me to speak at Targeting Microbiota and giving me the award. It was an inspiring and very high level conference. Cutting Edge research projects have been presented indicating how fast is growing the knowledge in the field and how we could together tackle the challenges on developing novel therapies based on microbiota interaction with our body."

Oral presentation of Prof. Chantal Pichon during Targeting Microbiota 2019:
The skin, the largest organ of our body is also the outermost barrier of the organism. It protects from external harm and senses danger signals. It contains a sophisticated immune system that involves armada of immune cells comprising keratinocytes, resident antigen-presenting cell, innate lymphoid cells, innate-like cells, and adaptive tissue-resident memory cells and molecular mediators. The skin hosts also microbial communities recognized as skin microbiota that constitutes one living response barrier to environmental factors. Those microorganisms live in complete harmony with the immune players and are involved in the epithelial barrier reinforcement. Under homeostasis, an established alliance of immunity and microbiota intermingles innate and adaptive branches of the immune system. Under various types of stress, the symbiotic relationship changes into a dysbiotic one resulting in skin disorders. The talk will be focused on the cutaneous immune system from cellular to molecular actors and how skin microbiota can acts to limit pathogenic microbial invasion and to promote various aspects of immune responses.

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Development and Investment Landscape in the Microbiome

Peter Bak PresentationDuring the congress, Dr. Peter Bak, Back Bay Life Science Advisors, USA will provide his vision and recommendations.

The title of his presentation is 'Corporate Development in the Microbe Space: Has Investment Outpaced Science?'

1) Microbiome Company Landscape
2) Current State of Clinical Development
3) Investment and Corporate Considerations


Prof. Marvin Edeas and his team presented a study on Intelligence Artificial and Health meeting at University Paris-Sud

The Intelligence Artificial and Health meeting was held on November 25, 2019, at University Paris-Sud. During the meeting, Prof. Marvin Edeas from INSERM - U1016, Institut Cochin, Hôpital Cochin, University Paris Descartes with his team presented a study entitled "Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry: The Hemodialysis patients with cramps initiative".

Artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry will open a huge opportunity. Demand for basic and advanced analytics is growing exponentially in healthcare. We are beginning to enter into an era where life sciences and data science are merging. Our initiative will collect clinical data from hemodialysis patients, which will urgently need a Data Scientists to process it. To be able to analyze and make recommendations based on this data, we need AI.

For the first time we published in 2018 a possible link between Microbiota quality, mitochondrial activity and the occurrence of muscle cramps in hemodialysis patients using citrate dialysate. Our objectives were to assess the gut microbiota quality, mitochondrial activity, and to investigate their possible relationship with HD-associated muscle cramp (HDAMC). This clinical study revealed a possible dysbiosis of microbiota and mitochondrial dysfunction in HD patients with cramps under CD compared to patients without cramp.

Confirmation of our observations is required in a large-scale study, which could demonstrate a novel pathophysiological mechanism linking muscle cramps to gut microbiota HD patients. We now have a cohort of more than 1500 patients to complete our study.Prof. Marvin Edeas Artifical Intelligence in the Healthcare IndustryProf. Marvin Edeas Artifical Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry V2

Results Expected
We will use a combined microbiome and metabolome signatures in feces and metabolome in plasma as new biomarkers to identify in upstream the HD patients with altered metabolism in order to propose an adapted therapy. Advances in sequencing technologies could provide opportunities to understand not only the taxonomy but also the functional diversity of gut microbiota. These investigations could allow to justify the use of antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal microbiota transplantation to modulate gut microbiota as curatives or preventive strategies of muscle cramps. We will also look for a predictive marker of muscle cramps by initiating an Artificial Intelligence program.


There are significant hurdles to be overcome with our hemodialysis initiative: 1-finding talented data scientists. 2- regulatory aspects. This presentation will address these considerations.

Durand, P.-Y., Nicco, C., Serteyn, D., Attaf, D. & Edeas, M. Microbiota Quality and Mitochondrial Activity Link with Occurrence of Muscle Cramps in Hemodialysis Patients using Citrate Dialysate: A Pilot Study.

Blood Purif. 46, 301–308 (2018).

For more info, please check the agenda here:

 Prof. Marvin Edeas and his team presented a study on Intelligence Artificial and Health meeting at University Paris Sud

Prof. Peter Kuntorek and Prof. Marvin Edeas from the International Society of Microbiota will talk during the 9th Latvian Gastroenterology Congress

Prof. Marvin Edeas and Prof. Peter Konturek will talk during the 9th Latvian Gastroenterology CongressProf. Peter Konturek from Teaching Hospital of the University of Jena, Germany will talk about "Fecal microbiota transplantation as a powerful tool for modulating of gut".
Prof. Marvin Edeas from University of Paris Descartes, Cochin Institute, Paris will talk about "Microbiota, metabolites and Mitochondria: where is the target?"
For all information and Agenda :

Final Agenda & Abstracts Book of Microbiota 2019 Congress

Microbiota ABstracts BOOK 2019

The Organizing Committee published the Final Agenda of Microbiota 2019 Congress.


If you cannot take part in the conference, you can order this Abstracts Book in PDF Format by clicking here.

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The International Society of Microbiota is pleased to welcome Biocrates Life Sciences AG to the 7th Targeting Microbiota World Congress 2019 !

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Biocrates Life Sciences AG, internationally renowned developer of targeted metabolic phenotyping solutions, supports the discovery and validation of biomarkers for complex multifactorial diseases in pre-clinical and clinical research.

Based in Innsbruck and with a subsidiary in the US, the company provides user friendly and ready to measure kits for quantitative, mass spectrometry based metabolite analysis.

Biocrates MxP Quant 500 Kit allows standardized measurement of up to 630 metabolites, many of which are associated with microbial metabolism (such as secondary bile acids).

This enables researchers to unravel the functional relationship between host, nutrition and the microbiome.

During the Congress, Dr. Nicolas Schauer from the company will give a presentation entitled "Application of targeted metabolomics to tackle host-microbiome interactions".

If you want to know more about the company, feel free to visit their website 

DNA Genotek received the ISM Industrial Award during Targeting Microbiota 2019

International Society of Microbiota (ISM) is honored to announce DNA Genotek as one of three winners of the Industrial Innovation Awards, during the 7th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2019, which was held in Krakow, Poland.


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DNA Genotek is recognized as a leader worldwide in the production and development of standardized skin microbiome and fecal metabolomics collection methodologies.

Testimonial by Heloise Breton, from DNA Genotek:
"We would like to thank the scientific committee for awarding us the the industrial innovation award. As a company dedicated to developing products to optimize ease of collection and provide superior samples and proven performance, we are so happy to see our value in the industry recognized. This year’s Targeting Microbiota conference consisted of many great talks that captured the role of the microbiome in human and animal systems. The connection between the brain and the gut is a huge development and the work happening in this field will be life changing for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Skin microbiome is an upcoming topic and of high interest for us as we have been working on a collection device for skin sampling which will launch soon. This is a topic that has many applications as seen in the talks regarding cosmetics, immune function and cutaneous homeostasis. There is so much amazing research happening in Europe and we enjoy being a part of such an innovative scientific community. We hope to see the ISM grow every year and to continue to provide a platform for the future of microbiome research."

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Internternational Society of Microbiota

Microbiota and Autism: Recent Advances and Perspectives

blue avatar red laboratoriesDr. Tatjana Mijatovic from R.E.D. Laboratories, Belgium, one of our sponsor, will join the 7th World congress on Targeting Microbiota 2019 Congress and give a key presentation entitled "Biomedical approach in autism spectrum disorders – the importance of assessing inflammation".

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The Impact of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, E.Coli and Lactoferrin on the Phenomenon of Translocation in the Low-Birth-Weight Preterm Neonates

Magdalena Strus presentation

During the congress, Prof. Magdalena Strus from Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland will give presentation entitled "The Impact of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, E.Coli and Lactoferrin on the Phenomenon of Translocation in the Low-Birth-Weight Preterm Neonates".

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International Society of Microbiota awarded R.E.D. Laboratories during Targeting Microbiota 2019

International Society of Microbiota (ISM) is honored to discern Industrial Innovation Award to R.E.D. Laboratories during the 7th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2019, which was held in Krakow, Poland.

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R.E.D. Laboratories highlighted the high importance of assessing inflammation-related markers in the evaluation of autism spectrum disorders-diagnosed patients.

Testimonial by Dr. Tanja Mijatovic, from R.E.D. Laboratories:
"I really enjoyed the Conference, it was all very well organized and extremely professional.  A great conference to attend for anyone in the microbiome fields. Great for gaining insights into unpublished research and clinical findings, and a significant opportunity to network with enthusiastic colleagues. I came back with valuable insights and fully charged with positive emotions. Huge thanks to the organizers. It was amazing to be awarded. Looking forward to be back next year."


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International Society of Microbiota 

Intergenerational Transfer of the Atopic-Disease Potential from the Murine Maternal Gut Microbiota Grafted with Human Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii Pathobionts

Heenam Kim Targeting Microbiota 2019Prof. Heenam Stanley Kim from Korea University, Korea will join again the Targeting Microbiota 2019 Congress and present his work "Intergenerational Transfer of the Atopic-Disease Potential from the Murine Maternal Gut Microbiota Grafted with Human Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii Pathobionts" during the congress.

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Skin-Bacterial Microbiota Communication: A new element in cutaneous neurogenic inflammation

Marc G.J. Feuilloley Targeting Microbiota 2019Dr. Marc G.J. Feuilloley from University of Rouen Normandy, France will talk about "Skin-Bacterial Microbiota Communication: A new elment in cutaneous neurogenic inflammation" during the 7th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota scheduled on October 10-11, 2019 at the Park Inn Hotel - Krakow, Poland. 

Dr. Feuilloley will talk during Session "Skin microbiota 2019: From basics to applied cosmetics and skin care" and among the speakers:

Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control
Chantal Pichon, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Intergenerational Transfer of the Atopic-Disease Potential from the Murine Maternal Gut Microbiota Grafted with Human Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii Pathobionts
Heenam Stanley Kim,
Korea University, Korea

Intestinal barrier, gut microbiota and psoriasis
Mariusz Sikora, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

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Fecal preservation by freeze-drying: applications and perspectives

Julie Reygner Targeting Microbiota 2019

Dr. Julie Reygner from Université Paris Descartes - Faculté de Pharmacie, France will join in the Congress and will present her work entitled "Fecal preservation by freeze-drying: applications and perspectives" during the congress.

Short summary: Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has now evolved into an efficient therapeutic for the management of recurrent Clostridium difficile infections (rCDIs) with an efficient cure rate reaching 85-95%. We have previously shown that a freeze-dried formulation allowed to conserve FMT preparation over 12 months improving standardization of the stool preparation procedures, process time and thus facilitating patient access to this treatment. The new goal is to improve of the selection of donors, beyond safety of stool samples, in order to develop a rational selection of FMT donor according to the pathology to be treated.

Dr. Reygner is also Best Shor oral presentation award winner of last year and presented short oral presentation "A new freeze-dried formulation to conserve stools over 12 months for fecal transplantation".

This year, Dr. Reygner join participate as Major speaker and will elobrate more about her study on Fecal preservation, ecal transplantation.


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Industrial Innovation Award was discerned to Sethic Innovation Lab during Targeting Microbiota 2019

The Industrial Innovation Award was discerned to Sethic Innovation Lab during Targeting Microbiota 2019 Congress.

Sethic Innovation Lab

Scientific Committee awarded Sethic Innovation Lab for their innovating cosmetic ingredient OPTIMEALTH(R), presented as a potent ingredient to prevents and reduce skin infections, inflammation and related disorders such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and acne.



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International Society of Microbiota

Microbiota Dysbiosis is Associated with HPV-Induced Cervical Carcinogenesis

Wojciech Kwasniewski Targeting Microbiota 2019Dr. Wojciech Kwaśniewski will present the findings of the present study on "Microbiota Dysbiosis is Associated with HPV-Induced Cervical Carcinogenesis". 

Short summary of the talk: "Over the last decade, it has been indicated that the development and introduction of molecular-based technology has provided novel information regarding the composition of the vaginal‐cervical flora, as well as the abnormal colonization of the genital tract by pathogens. It has been reported that microbe‐induced inflammation can contribute to cervical cancer by stimulating the production of specific cytokines and chemokines, which promote proliferation and/or inhibit apoptosis. Microbiota have been demonstrated to increase, as well as decrease susceptibility to HPV infection. The findings of the present study demonstrated a possible interaction between bacterial flora and HPV infection, as well as an association between this interaction and clinical cervical neoplasia."

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Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control

Chantal Pichon Targeting Microbiota 2019 updDr. Chantal Pichon from French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS ), France will join the Targeting Microbiota 2019 Congress and present her research work on interaction between Skin and Microbiota during the presentation entitled “Dialogue between the skin and the microbiota: The immune system is under control“.

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